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Department of Educational, Multicultural, and Exceptional Studies
College of Education and Human Development


The mission of the Department of Educational, Multicultural, and Exceptional Studies is to provide academic and professional training that leads to licensure in Special Education, Social Science Education, and alternate route Teacher Education.

Educate Diverse Populations

The Department of Educational, Multicultural, and Exceptional Studies develops candidates who are committed to becoming responsive educational leaders, researchers, and advocates, who embody the content knowledge expertise, pedagogical skills, and professional dispositions to educate diverse populations of students. The Department also provides rigorous academic study of race, ethnicity, multicultural education, racialization, and cultural responsiveness–especially in American social and educational institutions.

General Requirements/Curriculum


All Social Science Education and Special Education majors enrolled in teacher preparation
programs (educator licensure/certification programs) must:

  • Complete a two-semester clinical experience for student teaching. This clinical experience
    will not increase the number of required completion hours (121-124 hours (about 5 days)
    for graduation.
  • Have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher to be admitted to the Center for Teacher
    Quality–the academic program through which the educator licensure is
    obtained. For additional information please see the JSU Center for Teacher Quality.
  • Complete all Teacher Certification Tests (Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators,
    Principles of Learning and Teaching, Praxis II-Content Knowledge) to enroll for selected
    restricted courses. (Refer to the Approved Curriculum Map)
  • Not enroll in EDCI 401 and EDCI 402 during the same semester.
  • Submit to a criminal background check prior to receiving a clinical internship placement for
    student teaching. The fee associated with this screening is the responsibility of the teacher
  • Special Education majors have the following additional requirement: Pass a Departmental
    Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination (Contact Faculty Mentor).



Applicants for the master’s degree must hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or
university, and must be admitted to Jackson State University’s Division of Graduate Studies. Refer to the Graduate Studies website for general admissions requirements and to access the online Admissions Pro Portal: All applicants for a Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree program in Special Education must:

  1. Create an Admissions Pro Account and submit an application to the Division of Graduate Studies.
  2. Submit official transcripts from all college and universities attended.
  3. Submit three letters of recommendation from university faculty or supervisors familiar with your academic or professional work.

Departmental Requirements

Applicants to the Special Education Graduate Program must also submit/complete the following application requirements:

  1. A letter of application to the M.Ed. Special Education Teaching Program faculty that includes an acceptable personal statement of goals for professional development.
  2. An “A” teaching certificate. Applicants who do not hold the appropriate credentials or who
    are not eligible for the appropriate certification must meet with program faculty and sign an acknowledgment of understanding form which confirms that they are aware that completion of the Special Education graduate level coursework will not lead to licensure.
  3. All required immunizations, specifically, candidate has had two (2) MMRs (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) in his or her lifetime and a Tetanus/Diphtheria immunization within the past two years. For more Information, contact Student Health Services at (601) 979-2260.
  4. Satisfactory completion of an interview with Special Education faculty. Interviews will be held for Fall admission during Spring Semester and Spring semester interviews will be held during Fall Semesters.
  5. A 5-10 page academic writing sample that provides evidence of acquired writing competencies.
  6. A professional portfolio that includes a resume, philosophy of education, samples of lesson/unit plans, et.


Education For All
Our educational, multicultural, and exceptional studies degree is a specialized academic program that provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to work in diverse educational settings, particularly those serving students with exceptionalities. Program completion depends on routes set by the Department and covers a range of topics related to education, multiculturalism, and exceptionalities. The curriculum for an educational, multicultural, and exceptional studies degree includes courses in educational psychology, learning and behavior management, exceptionalities, and cultural diversity. Students also take courses in research methods, ethics, and instructional design to gain a better understanding of the broader educational context in which teaching and learning occurs.


 In addition to classroom instruction, educational, multicultural, and exceptional studies degree programs often provide opportunities for hands-on learning through internships, practicums, and field experiences. These experiences can help students develop practical skills and gain real-world experience working with students in various educational settings, such as elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as in special education and inclusive classrooms.

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”


Graduates of educational, multicultural, and exceptional studies degree programs are well-prepared for a variety of career paths in education and related fields. They have the skills and knowledge needed to work with diverse populations, particularly those with exceptionalities, and to design and deliver effective educational programs that meet the needs of all learners.


Educational, multicultural, and exceptional studies majors have a plethora of career options:

Elementary School Teacher Middle School Teacher Secondary School Teacher Translator
Teaching Assistant Cultural Events Coordinator Literacy Teacher Immigration Officer


The Department of Educational, Multicultural, and Exceptional Studies offers additional programs for program enrichment.

Want to learn more? Click below to view our programs.



Student Success

University Catalogs

Social and Cultural Studies

Special Education

Educational Technology




For more information, please contact us at (601) 979- 2370.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



Department of Educational, Multicultural, and Exceptional Studies
College of Education and Human Development
1400 John R, Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280


Dr. Dennis Williams, Interim Chair 
Phone: (601) 979-2439
Ms. Chandra Howard, Administrative Assistant 
Phone: 601-979-6330